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Recent Relevant Publications by Faculty in Science & Technology Studies:
Laura Ephraim, Who Speaks for Nature? On the Politics of Science (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017)
Jason Josephson Storm, The Myth of Disenchantment: Magic, Modernity, and the Birth of the Human Sciences. (University of Chicago Press, 2017).
Laura J. Ma
rtin, “Proving Grounds: Ecological Fieldwork in the Pacific and the Materialization of Ecosystems” Environmental History, Volume 23, Issue 3, 1 July 2018.
Bojana Mladenović, Kuhn’s Legacy: Epistemology, Metaphilosophy, and Pragmatism (Columbia University Press, 2017)
STS Resource Links:
History of Science Society Web Page : The national professional society, with lots of info about studies, careers, and good books to read. |
The European Guide to Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies |
Society for the History of Technology [SHOT] : The main history of technology web page. |
WWW Virtual Library for the History of Science,Technology, and Medicine |
North Carolina State Links to Science and Technology Studies : A comprehensive list of STS links. |
Stanford University Science and Technology Studies Program : Exemplar of a long standing STS program. |
World Lecture Hall : Lots of useful curriculum materials from all over the world on a wide range of subjects, not just HSTM. |
Institute and Museum of History of Science Florence, Italy : Check out the Virtual Tour of the Galileo Room. |